Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood is an upcoming anime show that has caught our attention.
The 2025 anime tells a reimagined story of Momotaro, a famous Japanese character who is often regarded as a hero for starting his young life as a sweet family boy and growing up to becoming someone who slays demons wreaking havoc. The story has been passed down for ages, having little to no major changes to the overall theme of the folklore. However, Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood is ready to challenge the norm, adding its own perspective to the popular folklore.
Here’s what to know about the upcoming anime release.
Why you should watch Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood
Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood tells the story of Shiki Ichinose, one of the demons who, as the Japanese folklore goes, will soon fall to the hand of Momotaro. Shiki is ready to do anything and everything he needs to do to prevent his clan from ruin. But will fate really change its direction for the sake of Shiki? Or is he cursed to suffer a horrible end?
Here’s more of what you can expect from the story from the official website.
"The bloodlines of Oni and Momotaro have been passed down among certain humans for generations. Long ago, the Oni, aware of their own ferocity, lived in seclusion. However, their peace was shattered by an invasion led by Momotaro. Over thousands of years, these two factions formed the Momotaro Agency and the Oni Agency, respectively, and have been locked in conflict ever since. The protagonist, Shiki Ichinose, suddenly learns of his Oni lineage following an unexpected attack by Momotaro. This revelation sets Shiki on a path to discover the destiny that lies within his blood — a meeting with the Oni dwelling within him. A new generation of dark heroics begins here in this tale of demons!"
Check out the official trailer for the anime series below.
The cast of Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood includes Blue Lock’s Kazuki Ura as Shiki Ichinose, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.’s Hiroshi Kamiya as Naito Mudano, and School Babysitter’s Koutaro Nishiyama as Jin Kougasaki.
The anime doesn’t have an official release date just yet. However, we do know fans can expect this action-packed show to arrive as soon as 2025.
We’re bound to know more about Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood as the new year approaches. Stay tuned with Anime Away to learn more updates as they arrive.