In the world of supernatural-powered fights and intricate worlds full of mystical power systems, history anime shows may not always be everyone’s cup of tea. However, we’re hoping that Shabake changes your mind because this anime is a fresh, new spin on everything that you thought a historical fantasy anime show contains.
Shabake follows the life of a sickly boy who is destined to take over the family company. Because of his illness, he can’t put his all into the business as much as he is supposed to. But, thankfully for him, he is friends with spirits who keep him company. And company is what he’s going to need, especially when it comes to a crime that he finds himself in the middle of.
Curious to know what else this anime contains? If so, read on to learn more about what you can expect from the anime as well as see the first teaser trailer!
Everything to know about Shabake
As mentioned above, Shabake isn’t your typical historical anime. Some may even say that it's more fantasy-leaning than historical since it involves spirits and crimes. Even so, there is certainly some history involved in this story for you history buffs out there, especially when you consider the fact that the 2025 anime takes place in Feudal Japan.
Here’s more of what you can expect from the story of Shabake (via Crunchyroll):
“Set during the Edo period, Shabake follows the adventures of Ichitaro, the heir to Nagasakiya, one of the largest commercial stores in Nihonbashi. Ichitaro was born sickly and is unable to go outside as a result, but he is beloved by the spirits such as his friends Sasuke (an inugami) and Jinkichi (a hakutaku), who accompany and protect him. One night, Ichitaro sneaks out of his home and witnesses a murder, and thus begins his search for the culprit with the help of his spirit companions.”
We know that there seems to be a lot in store with this anime, especially when we consider all the different aspects. But believe us when we say that when you see the official teaser trailer, you will be blown away by how everything came together. Check it out below!
As reported by Crunchyroll, Shabake is expected to arrive in 2025. We’ll receive the official release date shortly.
While we wait to receive more information surrounding Shabake, be sure to stay tuned with Anime Away for all the latest!