One Piece 1131 raw scans & spoilers reveals Loki schemes against Luffy

Luffy is really mad on him
One Piece - Photo Credits: Crunchyroll
One Piece - Photo Credits: Crunchyroll

After two weeks, the manga is finally back and Pewpiece has dropped the One Piece 1131 spoilers on Twitter/X. Full summary will be revealed on Wednesday night and raw scans will be available on Thursday.

Fans can see the raw scans first on One Piece reddit forums, 4chan and spoilerraw on Twitter/X. Without wasting anymore time, let's check out the spoilers of the upcoming chapter.

One Piece 1131 brief spoilers!

According to Pewpiece, One Piece 1131 chapter title is, "Loki in the Underworld." Loki is currently imprisoned in the underworld and he appears to be bound by the seastone chains to restrain his devil fruit powers. Some of the animal guards are patrolling his prison.

Loki then asks Luffy to set him free and in return he promises to destroy any pirate crew that Luffy wants. During their conversation in One Piece 1131 spoilers, we see Loki calling Shanks a "Chicken."

This seems to tick Luffy off as he prepares to attack him in Gear 4. Meanwhile, we learned that the World Government has placed a special bounty of 2.6 billion berries on Loki's head.

At the same time, Luffy is now very curious about the relation between Shanks and Loki and he demands an explanation from him.

Loki is playing smartly here as he wants Luffy to set him free first and then he will reveal more information about Shanks.

On the other hand, Zoro and his group narrowly escape from Road and a gang of pirates. Robin prepares herself to reunite with Saul. Brook is cutting her hair and we see Robin in the pre-time skin hairstyle.

Towards the end of the chapter, fans are going to see a giant who is shouting that Saul has collapsed on the ground. No break next week from the manga.

What is the schedule of One Piece 1131?

Mark your calendars for One Piece chapter 1131 which is all set to release on November 11, 2024, at 12 am JST. Fans can read the manga only on Manga Plus, Viz Media and Jump magazine. Check out the following time zone list for the upcoming chapter below:

  • November 10, at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Timeย 
  • November 10, at 9:00 a.m. Central Timeย 
  • November 10, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time Zoneย 
  • November 10, at 4:00 p.m. in the UKย 
  • November 10, at 7:30 pm India Standard Timeย 
  • November 11, at 12:00 a.m. in Australia