Kaiju No. 8 episode 12 release date and time (and episode 11 recap)

Kafka battles General Shinomiya in order to prove he is on the side of humans
『怪獣8号』第12話「日比野カフカ」次回予告/6月29日(土)23時より放送 | TOHO animation チャンネル

Kaiju No. 8 released its 11th episode last weekend and the next episode will serve as the season finale for the series. We're here to explain what happened last and what you can expect in this week's episode.

The previous episode covers Kafka's arrest as the defense corps decide their next step after finding out his secret. The Third Division believes in Kafka and wishes to see him back but the General is not convinced that Kafka is still human. This next episode will continue Kafka's battle with General Shinomiya with his Kaiju form out of control.

Kaiju No. 8 episode 12 release date and time

Kaiju No. 8 episode 12 is titled "Kafka Hibino" It will be released on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. Japanese Standard Time (JST), and will be available on Crunchyroll in the United States.

The new episode of Kaiju No. 8 is released in the following time zones on June 29:

  • 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time 
  • 9:00 a.m. Central Time 
  • 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time Zone 
  • 4:00 p.m. in the UK 
  • 8:30 pm India Standard Time 
  • 12:30 a.m. in Australia

Kaiju No. 8 episode 11 recap

In the previous episode, Kafka has been taken into custody after he revealed his Kaiju form and the defense corps began to delegate on their next step of action. The generals and the director debate what to do with Kafka and the General ultimately decides to insist the third division hand Kafka over for further testing.

Back on the base, Kafka is confined and he recalls Kikoru's words on how the defense corps uses Kaiju's body parts to make weapons. Mina, Hoshino, and other troops enter the room to transport Kafka to an aircraft. Kafka passes through his fellow officers and Reno reassures him that he believes Kafka will return. Kafka is placed on the aircraft and Mina shares that the squad does not see him as an enemy and that the third division will submit testimony and evidence to support his case. She informs him he will be transported to the Ariake maritime base and reiterates that he can still be by her side.

Days pass after Kafka is taken to another base and the other officers reflect on his fate. They want to save him but acknowledge the difficulty in accepting that Kaiju can be humans as well. Hoshino oversees the training facility cleanup and hopes to see Kafka again because he wants to fight him for real. Kikoru then visits her father to support Kafka and emphasizes she believes in him. Mina informs her officer that they are being transferred for the time being while Kafka's situation is in the air.

At the base, General Shinomiya and troop members confront Kafka and the two begin to clash as General Shinomiya appears to test him. Kafka is adamant he is human and commits to using his powers to fend off the attacks. General Shinomiya then takes arms with weapons made from Kaiju No.2 and he overwhelms Kafka. Kafka's Kaiju powers react to the general as if he is a DaiKaiju and loses several limbs in between strikes. Before the general hands out a final strike, Kafka fully transforms into a Kaiju and loses control as his form goes haywire and rushes towards his opponent.