Kadokawa, the publisher of the original KonoSuba novel series, has released a preview to get fans ready for the upcoming finale of the long-awaited third season of the KonoSuba anime adaptation. The third season debuted in April 2024, following a gap of seven years since the finale of season 2. Season 3 has been airing during the spring 2024 season and is now wrapping up with its finale episode.
Based on a series of light novels first published in 2013, KonoSuba follows the adventures of Kazuma Satou after he dies in an embarrassing accident in the real world and is reincarnated in a world that operates under the mechanics of a fantasy RPG, forming an inept but ridiculously lucky group with the goddess Aqua, the wizard Megumin and the paladin Darkness.
The KonoSuba season 3 finale is coming soon to Crunchyroll
The specific details are sparse in the 20-second video, but the finale seems to be the culmination of Kazuma's group's mission to rescue Darkness from being forced into marriage to Alderp, the villainous mayor of Axel that was initiated in the last few episodes of the anime series. The season three finale of KonoSuba will air on TV in Japan on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
Based on the schedule for the previous episodes of the season, North American fans can expect the finale to go live for streaming on Crunchyroll within 24 hours of the Japanese TV debut. The English dub of the episode will become available about two weeks after that.
Watch the preview here:
The anime adaptation of KonoSuba debuted in 2016. The first two seasons of the anime were produced by Studio Deen. Drive took over for both the 2023 Megumin-focused spinoff series KONOSUBA -An Explosion on This Wonderful World! and the third season of the main anime series. All three seasons of KonoSuba and An Explosion on This Wonderful World! are streaming on Crunchyroll. Additionally, every volume of the original KonoSuba novel series is available for purchase on the Crunchyroll store.