The Moon on a Rainy Night follows the lives of two girls who bump into one another by accident. From a chaotic encounter comes a fruitful friendship that later blossoms into something greater, proving that even the most embarrassing of accidents can pay off to become something beautiful.
Read more on the official heartwarming story of the title below:
"One rainy night, Saki is rushing to a piano lesson when she crashes into a beautiful, long-haired girl, dropping her sheet music in the process. Saki stutters an apology, but the girl simply hands back her sheet music and leaves without a word. Saki begins her first day of high school the following morning, only to find the stranger from the night before sitting at the desk next to hers. She learns that the girl's name is Kanon and that she is not quite completely deaf, but very hard of hearing. Though Kanon needs to be close to people to read their lips, she tends to push people away with her icy demeanor. Through one kind gesture, Saki slowly begins breaking down the walls around Kanon, even as she feels something new blossoming within her."Kodansha USA
The love story between Saki and Kanon will make your hearts flutter with excitement, wishing that you, too, can and will experience this feeling at least once in your life. It will also have you hoping and praying that one day more and more WLW manga stories will be adapted and bring more light to this underrated yet much-needed genre. Fortunately, your biggest wish has begun to be answered, as The Moon on a Rainy Night is slated to receive an anime adaptation soon!
Here’s everything we know so far!
Saki and Kanon’s love story to be animated
Whether fans have just heard of the story between Saki and Kanon or have been fans since the beginning, it seems that the entire world is rejoicing over the fact that this love story will no longer be a story that lives only on paper. Rather, it will come to our screens with a full-fledged production that will bring this romance to life.
Kuzushiro, the mangaka behind The Moon on Rainy Night, didn’t hesitate to celebrate the good news, as the talented writer took to Twitter to retweet the news several times. Kuzushiro even took the time to draw stunning art of Saki and Kanon that serves as the official teaser for the series, cementing to thousands of fans worldwide that this dream has come true.
Check out the official teaser key art for the upcoming anime here (via @animetv_jp):
As of now, The Moon on a Rainy Night doesn't have a streaming home. We hope that the series comes to sites like Crunchyroll, HIDIVE, or Prime Video.
So far, a few graphics (including Kuzushiro’s) are all we have concerning official content for this upcoming anime series. A release date, trailer, cast, and more will be announced soon enough. However, for now, we have to be patient as we anticipate the release of The Moon on Rainy Knight!