Dragon Ball Daima is already top 2…and it’s not 2!

I can not describe the feelings of watching Dragon Ball Daima enough. I absolutely love this show. 
“Dragon Ball DAIMA” The Opening animation / "Jaka Jaan”
“Dragon Ball DAIMA” The Opening animation / "Jaka Jaan” | 東映アニメーション公式YouTubeチャンネル

Aftermath of Gomah’s Wish

Dragon Ball Daima is the perfect blend of storytelling, matched with comedy. From the first scene of Episode 2, Shenron tells Gomah, Degesu & Neva that since they are first-time unknown users, they are only allowed one wish. Imagine being a villain, and two parts of your plan get ruined because nobody knows you. I would be livid. 

At least the first part of Gomah’s plan works, with Goku and all of his friends transforming into children right on the spot. Along with this, in classic Toriyama fashion, Goku’s clothes change as well, with his belt and shoe string turning white instead of blue and red, respectively. I love it, as it gives strong Dragon Ball GT vibes. 

We next see Goten and Trunks as babies, and not taking the situation seriously, which feeds into their character so much. Chi-Chi and Bulma instantly talk about how smooth their skin is, and converse about being young again which is also well inlined with their characters. Toriyama clearly misses his OG Dragon Ball, and with Master Roshi looking identical to One Punch Man, I’m sure he’s going to throw a few jabs as well. I was thinking during this episode, what if Buu was transformed into Kid Buu again? I know that’s impossible and would’ve started immediate trouble but I want all of the possibilities! 

Who are the Z-Fighters up against?

The Z-Fighters and Supreme Kai are informed about the Kai’s younger brother, Degesu, being apart of this ruse, and with Supreme Kai’s reaction, it makes it seem as if Degesu is more powerful than he is letting on. Piccolo also recognizes Neva as an important figure, and we have to assume that he knows this information from Kami’s fusion. 

Supreme Kai has a little bit of new lore, mentioning how he arrived in this universe within a spaceship that is now broken, and Bulma being the genius she is, immediately requests to work on it to get it back into working condition. I do not use the word “genius” lightly. Earth made, Namek made, android made, Demon Realm made it doesn’t matter, Bulma will work on it, and Bulma will fix it. 

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Daima’s Detail

Here is where I thought to myself…where is Gohan? Where is my favorite? Is he a child again? Is Videl a child? Is Pan…still a baby? Maybe he’s training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? Then again, during Battle of Gods, and at the end of Z, he is back to being feeble yet again so…maybe we find out soon!

Attention to detail in Daima has been off the charts, ranging from Goku and his friends having to learn to fly and fight again in their new bodies, learning the differences in swinging distance and body weight. It is also mentioned that all demons have pointy ears, but not all pointy ears are demons. This will play a major role later on. 

Goku getting his Power Pole back, and going to look for it where he left it in the original Dragon Ball was an amazing call back. Master Roshi using this Power Pole as his clothing rod outside however, was hilarious. The original Dragon Ball crew can not be beat in content. 

A new challenger appears…Glorio!

Glorio is then introduced as a character from the Demon Realm on the same side as the Z-Fighters, wanting Goku and his friends to defeat Gomah. He describes Gomah as very powerful, which is hard to believe given what we’ve seen from him so far, but it wouldn’t be Dragon Ball without the main villain having a scary trick up his sleeve, hence Gomah wanting the power of the evil third eye. 

Glorio invites Goku to the Demon Realm to battle Gomah right away, and of course Goku agrees! Before leaving however, Supreme Kai suggests he goes as well. After little pushback, Glorio agrees and the three head towards the realm. Vegeta wanted to go as well, but just like in power levels, unfortunately he is left behind until Bulma finishes up Supreme Kai’s original ship. 

I would assume that in this realm we eventually get a huge plot point, being something original, or something made canon, just changed a bit, like with Broly. I want to predict that we see either Janemba or a Super Saiyan 4 transformation, and it can be written off as only available in the Demon Realm, or a memory wipe of all characters, hence why it isn’t mentioned again in Dragon Ball Super. 

Final Thoughts

Overall, this episode sets up many concrete plot points, many future possibilities, and teases our hero’s getting straight into the action during episodes 3 and 4. Daima constantly leaves you wanting more, and that is the objective of a weekly show, and they do it so well.

Until next time fighters!