The Anime Away is currently following a developing story about the One Piece manga's upcoming publishing schedule. After a previous delay was announced in October, initially reported on another hiatus following the release of the delayed chapter, noting that chapter 1132 was scheduled for release on December 1. However, One Piece publisher Shueisha's official Manga Plus app and website are now listing the chapter's release date as November 17, the expected date under the manga's typical publishing schedule.
The reasons for this possible hiatus are unknown, though One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda revealed that he had used the previous hiatus to help with the production of the upcoming second season of the live-action Netflix One Piece adaptation. We will have more information as the situation develops and be sure to keep checking back here on Anime Away for any updates affecting the scheduled release date of One Piece's next chapter.
Also announced back in October when the brief hiatus of the manga occurred was the news that the One Piece anime series would be going on hiatus until April 2025 after the airing of 1122. The news also came with Toei animation revealing that during the anime hiatus, a re-cut version of the Fishman Island Arc, trimmed down to 21 episodes and featuring all new opening and ending themes by Hiroshi Kitadani and BE:FIRST. Crunchyroll has announced that it will be streaming this re-cut version of the Fishman Island Arc, titled One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga.
One Piece fans still have plenty to watch and read
While it seems like this latest hiatus of the One Piece manga has been avoided, in the event of any future hiatus, One Piece fans still have plenty of options to get their daily dose of the beloved franchise. Every episode of the One Piece anime that has been aired is streaming on Crunchyroll and so are the movies Red, Stampede and Gold. The original One Piece anime series is also streaming on Netflix, with a delay of several episodes behind Crunchyroll's schedule, though the recent hiatus has allowed Netflix to catch up with Crunchyroll, with every episode so far now available. Netflix is also adapting One Piece into a live-action Netflix Original. A first season aired in the summer of 2023 and a second season is now in production.
The English language version of the One Piece manga is published by Viz Media. Fans can read the manga online through a subscription to either Viz Media's own app and website — with the both several newest and earliest chapters available for free — or Shueisha's Manga Plus app and website. Additionally, both services provide subscribers with access to many other popular manga, both complete and ongoing series.
As of this writing, the latest chapter of the One Piece manga seems to have avoided another hiatus. However, the situation has quickly changed several times already. Fans can trust the Anime Away team to report on any further changes or updates as they become available.