Rent A Girlfriend chapter 358: Chizuru is having fun

The ongoing real date between Chizuru and Kazuya
Rent-a-Girlfriend - Ending 2 | First Drop
Rent-a-Girlfriend - Ending 2 | First Drop | Crunchyroll

We might see a competition of shooting in the upcoming Rent A Girlfriend chapter 358. It seems that Chizuru is really enjoying her date with Kazuya.

You can clearly see how open she is about everything and enjoying her time on the shopping street. Even some candies reminded her past with her grandma.

Know more about Rent A Girlfriend chapter 358

Chizuru and Kazuya date will continue in Rent A Girlfriend chapter 358 which will release on December 25, 2024, at 12 am JST. Fans who would like to know more about their date, can read the chapters on Pocket and Kodansha.

  • December 24, at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time 
  • December 24, at 9:00 a.m. Central Time 
  • December 24, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time Zone 
  • December 24, at 4:00 p.m. in the UK 
  • December 24, at 7:30 pm India Standard Time 
  • December 25, at 12:00 a.m. in Australia

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Chizuru and Kazuya having fun!

Till now, the date has been successful for Kazuya as he can see that Chizuru was really enjoying it. All the time, he was just simply thinking about how cute Chizuru was looking at whatever she did. It's been an hour and her cuteness is unstoppable.

It was also her first time shopping here in the street market and Kazuya was glad that he brought her here. He could see that she was clearly acting differently and was really enjoying her time.

After that, they arrived where the candy shop was present and Kazuya wanted to whether Chizuru liked the candies or not.

Chizuru hasn't eaten the candy lately but when she was young, her grandma used to buy candies at festivals. Then Chizuru admits that if this was a rental date, she would have said that she likes candy.

Kazuya realized that Chizuru was really being honest and was telling her true feelings. That's when Chizuru finds a Mambo candy which she used to eat when she was a kid.

Kazuya hadn't tried that candy before and was stunned to know that it used to be a lot bigger in the past. However, the taste was the same and Chizuru was quite happy with it. Kazuya was only thinking about cute Chizuru when she was eating candy. He even imagined a young Chizuru eating candy right in front of him.

Then they both talk more about some candies and they were really hitting with each other in conversation. Towards the end of the chapter, we see both of them arriving at shooting gallery.

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